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PHPIon Decoder / phpIon Decrypt

Beispiel Code:

<? /*Script encoded using full version of phpion PHP phpion - http://phpion.com*/
$phpion = 1; $phpion_zlib = 0; $phpion_fname = basename(__FILE__); $phpion_dpath = dirname(__FILE__); if(!file_exists("$phpion_dpath/phpion.php")) { die(" <br>Script decoder not found - Fail to execute script!<br>

Zorex Cryptz v2 Decoder

<?php /*Script encoded using full version of Zorex PHP Cryptz - http://zorex.info*/
$cryptz = 1; $cryptz_zlib = 0; $cryptz_fname = basename(__FILE__); $cryptz_dpath = dirname(__FILE__); if(!file_exists("$cryptz_dpath/cryptz_decode.php")) { die("&nbsp;<br>Script decoder not found - Fail to execute script!<br>&nbsp;<br><hr size=1><font size=2>script encode using <a href='http://zorex.info'>Zorex PHP CryptZ</a></font>"); }...

SourceCop Decoder

<?php if(!function_exists('findsysfolder')){function findsysfolder($fld){$fld1=dirname($fld);$fld=$fld1.'/scopbin';

SourceCop Online Decode Website:

SourceCop Decode:

TrueBug PHP Decoder 1.04

Beispiel Code:

<?php /* WARNING: This file is protected by copyright law. To reverse engineer or decode this file is strictly prohibited. */

PHP UnLockIt! Decoder / Decrypt

Beispiel Code:

<?php // This file is protected by copyright law and provided under license. Reverse engineering of this file is strictly prohibited.

PHP UnLockIt! Decode Online Website:

CodeLock v2.7 Decoder

/* WARNING: This script is protected. Any attempt to reverse engineer, debug or de-code this file or its dependent files is strictly prohibited */

PHP UnLockIt! Decoder

Scriptin PHP UnLockIt! encode / Beispiel PHP UnLockIt! encoded datei:
<?php // This file is protected by copyright law and provided under license. Reverse engineering of this file is strictly prohibited.