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Dreamcamd v6.0 Complete

dreamcamd v6 (Special version)

_ add dreamclint server

_ add  drem.reader conf

_ Great speed to watch the channels

_ Non-frozen picture final

_ Support for all types of watching emu newcamd.gbox.camd3 nasscamd

_ support card for the original forensic nation in the Dreambox   (MyCard)reader

_ support nasscamd emu

_ emu stronger for viewing without chopping final and great speed

_ emu dreamcamd...

Dreamcamd v1.0

emu(dreamcamd v1.0)

Include files

_dreamcamd v1.0
For the operation of the server and
send information to subscribers

To view the server as through user and password
from the server

_2emu can operate together and watch the operation

of the server at the same time on the same device using I

mo dreamserver_dreamcamd_1.0

_ emu of the latest Dream of the work

Dreamcamd v2.0

New emu
emu(dreamcamd v2.0)

-- Been addressing the mistake Bernam mpcs and server operating now without
any problem to stop server at any time

Been addressing errors irdeto2
per emu to act swiftly with any type of server
, whether gbox
Or newcamd

_ emu now works quickly and without interruption
under any pressure participants

Dreamcamd v3.0

New emu
emu(dreamcamd v3.0)

_ You can add any cards for all the server using emu / newcs 1.50 /dreamcamd v3.0 /

_ Operating spider and local card emu one server

_ Viewed on the same server system using dreamserver

_ Fix NDS cards.

_ Fix irdeto 2


_ Address the problem stopped in the picture completely Dream Box

Dreamcamd v7.0

Dreamcamd v7

 Now support all devices
 FIX NDS No frozen image
 Support MgCamd now
 fix Providers all Channels
 add  newcs 1.60
 add nasscamd emu

Dreamcamd v5.0

emu(dreamcamd v5.0)emu dreams

-- Amendment comprehensive peace in the new version of emu

-Config files now (var / keys / dremcamd )
-Config files now working efficiently and high-speed track in the new

Change the course in Alimo know now operates efficiently and high speed

--FIX NDS prevent freezing of the picture


-- Fix irdeto2 speed of opening channels

-- Operation more than a bouquet of Port and...

Dreamcamd v8.0

Version 8 dreamcamd


Version 8 dreamcamd (Happy New Year)


FIX Nagra 3 (NEW CARD)
NOW 2 EMU WORKING At the same time
Non-frozen picture final NDS3
FIX all been previous problems