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NewCS v.1.18 -Release Candidate 11

v.1.18 -Release Candidate 11:
BEV nagra2 provider fixed.
Fixed entitlements for BoomTV.
Added support for viaccess confidential EMM's.
Fixed bug in Seca UA ins.
Added possibility to read camkey/camkey-data from config as requested.
Radegast server will resolve hostname on each new connect. (fix for dynhosts).
Added support for Arena cryptoworks cards.
Alot of bugfixes, errorchecks and cleanups.
Added statreset tcp-command.
Improved ATR-parsing.
Fixed bug that used 100% cpu on...

NewCS 1.50

--- Index ------- ---  -- - - -

1.  Chameleon - the newcs P2P
2.  Feynman
3.  File Descriptions
4.  Runtime Arguments
5.  Configfile
6.  TCP-Commands
7.  FAQ
8.  Changelog
9.  Troubleshooting
10. Special Notes
11. Known Bugs
12. Greets

1.-- Chameleon - the newcs P2P ------- ---  -- - - -

Here we will _try_ to make a little introduction on how the P2P network...

NewCS 1.31

--- Index ------- ---  -- - - -

1.  File Descriptions
2.  Httpd
3.  Runtime Arguments
4.  Configfile
5.  TCP-Commands
6.  FAQ
7.  Changelog
8.  Troubleshooting
9.  Special Notes
10. Known Bugs
11. Greets

1.-- Httpd ------- ---  -- - - -

Its a work in progress - but should be far better then the old one :o)
Please look at default config for setup.


NewCS 1.60 beta

--- ------- ---  -- - - -
 NewCS readme
- -- ---  -- - - -

We have no politics.. this is just for fun - blame yourself..

 "How should I know if it works? That's what beta testers are for. I only coded it."
  -Linus Torvalds

--- Index ------- ---  -- - - -

1.  Chameleon v2 - the newcs P2P
2.  File Descriptions
3.  Runtime Arguments
4.  Configfile
5. ...

NewCS v.1.67 RC1

Added support for the Synology devices on the Marvell ARM platform.
Added support for the Coolstream STB. (PS! NO Sci support.. yet)
Added support for the Azbox STB and devices on the Sigma MIPS platform. (PS! NO Sci support.. yet)
ALOT of PC/SC fixes, prefer these devices with the ccid driver over phoenixes.
Misc. phoenix fixes.
HTB+ Viaccess fix.
Added support for the new viasat cards (we think, no feedback on tests).

You _HAVE_ to use boxkey manually on certain NDS cards...