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Krayzie MA Ndure Installer v1.1

The save:

The save(s) come zipped up for direct use on Action Replay devices. If you don't use Action replay you need to unzip the save
Note that many Action Replay cards corrupt large saves which results in a black or error 21 screen. Solution could be to use
a small gamesave exploit to grant access to the hd and copy this save to the E:\UDATA folder via ftp, Or use another memory

Copy the save to the Xbox HD using the known ways. (via memory unit,...

Krayzie SC-NTSC Ndure Installer v1.1

The save:

The save(s) come zipped up for direct use on Action Replay devices. If you don't use Action replay you need to unzip the save
Note that many Action Replay cards corrupt large saves which results in a black or error 21 screen. Solution could be to use
a small gamesave exploit to grant access to the hd and copy this save to the E:\UDATA folder via ftp, Or use another memory

Copy the save to the Xbox HD using the known ways. (via memory unit,...

Krayzie SC-PAL Ndure Installer v1.1

The save:

The save(s) come zipped up for direct use on Action Replay devices. If you don't use Action replay you need to unzip the save
Note that many Action Replay cards corrupt large saves which results in a black or error 21 screen. Solution could be to use
a small gamesave exploit to grant access to the hd and copy this save to the E:\UDATA folder via ftp, Or use another memory

Copy the save to the Xbox HD using the known ways. (via memory unit,...

iXtreme Firmware 1.4

iXtreme Firmware 1.4 für alle flashbaren Xbox 360 Laufwerke[außer Hitachi v78/79]

iXtreme Firmware 1.4 für alle Xbox 360
-------------------------------------------------- ----

Media Stealth, Disc-Jitter, Disc-Lockon, FirmGuard, Xbox 360 Backup-Firmware-Änderung!

(v1.4) Disc-Jitter-Korrektur
(v1.3) Fixed PTP DVD-Filme
(v1.3) Mehr Secure für Xbox Live
(V1.3) Multiple...


>> GliGli released a new version of the Reset Glitch Hack that allows you to run homebrew software on any 360 console (except Xenon).

What's new/fixed:
* Falcon support.
* Per hardware revision SMC patches (no more need for Jasper donor smc on fats).
* Adding sanity check on 1BL key.
* Adding support for donor CB on fats.
* Debug pin on fats and slims.
* New Xell with some bugs fixed.
* Now using 270pf capacitor for slims, many reported it works better.

Toolbox Freeboot 0.032 Maker 2,4 rev3 by bestpig

hier mal eine super Toolbox zum erstellen von freeboot Images
mit Eingebauten dashlaunch!
Ich kann die Toolbox von bestpig nur empfehlen! :gut:
Damit kann mann schnell und easy in 1. min.
ein aktuelles freeboot Image erstellen!

Neu / Fixed:

- Update DashLaunch (Jasper 256 / 512)
- Streichung der Wahl NAND / HDD / USB DashLaunch (Unnötig).
- Add Xenon CB 1902, 1920 (rev2)
- Add CB Zephyr 4558, 4571, 4572, 4578 4580 (rev2)