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vPlug 2.1.0

vPlug (SoftCam Emulator for DVB-S Cards)

This plug-in decrypts the crypted words from the incoming ECM stream and much more!

———— - Added MCT I2 (AU). (thnx to a friend for the dump and thnx to Tapis for the info) Notes: - Plz update all of the included files (not just a .dll file)
- MCT changes the keys every 30 minutes. (so don’t change v_emm.ini parameters)
- Only CA_ID 0×0628 is supported. (only these...

vPlug 2.1.2

vPlug (SoftCam Emulator for DVB-S Cards)

This plug-in decrypts the crypted words from the incoming ECM stream and much more!

———- - Fixed Polsat & DigiTV N2 AU.

vPlug 2.1.3 FullInstall

vPlug (SoftCam Emulator for DVB-S Cards)
This plug-in decrypts the crypted words from the incoming ECM stream and much more!

Decompress the ZIP file in the root (or plugins) folder of your TV application, in example "C:\DVB-APP\".
The installed files should look like:

vPlug 2.1.5

vPlug SoftCam Emulator for DVB-S Cards This plug-in decrypts the crypted words from the incoming ECM stream and much more!

Decompress the ZIP file in the root (or plugins) folder of your TV application, in example "C:\DVB-APP\".
The installed files should look like:

vPlug 2.2.0 FullInstall

- Fixed S.View I2 AU.
- Fixed LA7 I2 AU

(thnx to all friends who helped me, you know who they are )

Here is the new vPlug’s I2 keys schema (to stop releasing new versions just because of the master key changes) :

I CAID_ProviderId key_index key ; op-key (clear or encrypted)
I CAID_ProviderId M0 key; EMM-Seed (clear)
I CAID_ProviderId M1 key; ECM-Seed (clear)
I CAID_ProviderId M2 key; Common-IV (clear ecm & emm IV’s)

vPlug 2.2.1


- Added EMM filter timeout (to the vPlug.ini file).
+ Some other minor fixes.

+A S.View (tested) & LA7 (not tested) keys file is included. (import it or edit your key file or wait for someone to upload a good v_keys.db file for you)

Thx vahid

vPlug 2.2.3


- Fixed glitches of Music choice channels. (IgnoreNonConsecutiveDCWs option in vPlug.ini)
+ Some other minor fixes.