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CAS Interface Studio 7.8

CAS Interface Studio 7.8

Software - Updated 26/10/2006

* This new release supports the new version of Cas Interface 2 Plus
* New way of dragon cam programming
o Now you can insert your dummy card in the cam, go in the dragon cam programming module, choose the file and put the cam in the receiver.
In way we should solve some problems that happens on some pc or in some cam.

CAS Interface Studio 7.7

***************************************************************** Cas Studio 7.7 - RELEASE INFORMATION - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY *****************************************************************

SETUP If this is the first time you install the software, remember to run the setup the device NOT connected! Once you installed the software launch it and follow the screen instructions.
When Windows asks for drivers, direct it into the folder where you installed the software previously.
(ex. c:\program...

CAS Interface Studio 7.6

***************************************************************** Cas Studio 7.6 - RELEASE INFORMATION - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY *****************************************************************

SETUP If this is the first time you install the software, remember to run the setup the device NOT connected! Once you installed the software launch it and follow the screen instructions.
When Windows asks for drivers, direct it into the folder where you installed the software previously.
(ex. c:\program...